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Ayurvedic Abhyangam Massage Training 
19 - 22 April & 31 May - 3 June 2024 | Ayurveda Academy The Netherlands
Yoga Today, Achtergracht 16A, Weesp

Our body-mind system is a wonderful mechanism that has the potential to help us move through life feeling supported and vibrant. As individuals we are the expression of an innate wisdom that exists in a dynamic balance, however, due to several factors - including lifestyle and nutritional habits, environment and seasonal changes, as well as relationships and upbringing - we may experience states of imbalance and disease. The Ayurvedic Wisdom goes far beyond “prevention and treatment of diseases”: it entails a way of understanding reality that directs every single intervention in the field of Ayurvedic Medicine. With the understanding of these basic principles, we have designed the Ayurvedic Massage Course, not only as a valuable therapeutic tool, but above all, as a way to connect each participant with an ancient, holistic healing system, capable of healing the subtle layers of mind, emotions and spirit. The approach to learning is embodied as we strongly support embodiment as a form of effortless transmission. The aim is to share the depth of Ayurveda in a way that is approachable and easy to digest: to create space to integrate what you have learned with us over the months of training, in your own life.


Who is this course for?

  • Beginners with little or no knowledge of Ayurvedic massage techniques;

  • Anyone wanting to enrich their existing practice with the knowledge of Ayurvedic massage skills – thus, yoga students, teachers or therapists; lifestyle and nutritional advisors; sound or energy healers; coaches as well as professional massage therapists.


How will you learn?

We support the value of learning by doing, so expect the theory to be the support of your own experience and practice. You will be guided on your journey into the energetic elements of the massage practices, as well as supported in mastering the technical aspects. All classes start at 10:00 and end at 17:00 with a 1 hour lunch break.


During the in-person classes:

  • the teachers will demonstrate each set of techniques in detail and hands-on, offering feedback meant to increase your skills and confidence

  • you will be working with several partners, practicing each set of techniques on them: even those that have never offered any massage, will benefit from the experience of connecting with different individuals through touch, discovering the uniqueness of their gunas

  • you will experience each technique by receiving it yourself: this contributes to the embodied and deeper experience, from which you will be able to share touch with awareness

  • classes are filled with role playing and exercises; you will be offered the possibility to study on your own and practice with your partners in between the two modules

Luxury Spa


The Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage course will start with a 6 hour pre-recorded masterclass by Coen van der Kroon on the basic principles of Ayurveda. The class will stay available during the whole course and can be re-watched anytime. Topics covered will include:

  • Ayurveda: overview and philosophical context

  • Shad Darshana and Samkhya: the descent of consciousness into matter

  • The 20 Gunas and basic karmas of substances

  • The 5 Elements and their connection to the tastes

  • The Tridosha Theory: how we function

  • Introduction to the sub-doshas

  • Dhatus: our physiological building blocks

  • Agni and Ama: digesting food and life impressions

  • The Mind: Satva, Raja and Tama Gunas

  • Prakruti: understanding your unique blueprint

  • Vikruti: un-covering your true nature


The course will then continue with eight full days of in-depth, on-location classes, split in two module of 4 days each. These classes are mostly learn-by-doing and interlaced by an important theoretical framework.

Under the guidance of Eva Ugolini and Ombretta Dettori, you will explore the following topics:

  • Introduction and practice: the ayurvedic daily routine

  • Understanding the impact of changes and the relevance of seasonal routines

  • Basic principles of assessment: looking at the receiver through the Ayurvedic lenses

  • Prana as Life Force and Abhyanga

  • Abhyanga: benefits, indications and contra-indications

  • Abhyanga adaption to the Doshas: focus on intention, direction, touch and substances

  • The skin and basic oils to support the doshas

  • Principles of touch and anatomy applied to massage

  • Creating safety: basic notion of nervous system and trauma applied to body work

  • Protocol of practice

  • Self-care for therapists: basic yogic and Ayurvedic practices to fill your cup.


Friday, 19 April to Monday, 22 April (Module 1)

Friday, 31 May to Monday, 3 June (Module 2)


A Certificate of Attendance of Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage, issued by the Ayurvedic Academy The Netherlands will be granted upon completion of class assignments, reflective practice and a written case study.


Price: €1.295 | €1.200 Early-bird fee (until 1 February 2024)

Body Healing

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